We are a digital design & development agency that is passionate about designing and building meaningful digital products and solutions.

Yozu Creative Showreel Video

Wondering if we are the right fit?

We work with clients who are passionate about their business, dedicated to their vision, and understand the value design brings when trying to deliver real value to their users or audience.

We pride ourselves on our transparency, creativity and innovative solutions to challenging projects. We’re big on building lasting relationships too — you’ll always be our partner, never just our client.

We will challenge you, we will change you, and you just might change the world.

Get in touch

Our Team

Great design is the people who make it

Yozu Creative is made up of a close-knit group of creative thinkers and digital experts who are passionate about designing and building meaningful digital products.

Due to the size of our team, we are able to work collaboratively and in an agile manner — giving you access to a wide range of skill sets and experience — in order to deliver meaningful design.


Andrew Whittaker

Chief Creative Officer


Kasia Pikula

Senior Designer


Antonino Dado

Senior Designer


Kyle Maguire


What makes us so special?

There are hundreds of digital agencies — we get it — so why would you choose Yozu Creative?

Let's have a chat

We design experiences

Every design agency says that. What we mean by that is this: when we design products, we aren't just looking to make them functional and convenient to use.

We want to make people who are using a product feel like the people who designed it cared about them. We make things for real people, and we care about crafting great experiences that are pixel perfect.

We have diverse skillsets

We're a team product designers and developers. This job requires us to not only have a good grasp on UX design principles and a decent eye for design, but also an understanding of product strategy, stakeholder needs, and business objectives. We can work hand in hand with product managers, product owners, or any other internal roles throughout the whole product design process.

We take the initiative

Being proactive results in delivering better products. When we're working on product design, we're in the driving seat. We look for problems that need fixing and things that could be done easier and take the lead with our fresh ideas and their creative implementation. We love to experiment, and design on our own, both inside and outside of the office.

We're open to feedback

Designers at Yozu Creative always have an opinion. We voice our thoughts about the pros and cons of any chosen direction and listen to other people's feedback and criticism. Receiving criticism will always have a greater impact than receiving praise. We support each other, review each other’s work, get each other’s feedback and have thorough discussions.

We make design scalable

Products grow. New features will be added, new audiences will be targeted, new marketing campaigns will be launched. As a product evolves, the initial design of the interface will need to adapt. We design user interfaces in a way that it can be easily changed and extended. Scalable design is cost-effective in the long term.

Design is a process, not an event

Products are living beings that learn from and respond to user needs and changes in technology. That's why product design is never 'done'. Design is an iterative process and requires an iterative mindset to always look at what can be done differently and better. Our projects can last for months, and even years so enjoy the ride.

We believe in partnerships

Our goal is to form a collaborative and long-lasting relationship with you, allowing us to thoroughly understand your business and industry. We strive to drive your success through the creation of stunning and effective digital experiences.

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